I can’t tell you how multiple times I’ve left my temperature control on a low temperature after leaving the house for work in the afternoon.
I’m typically halfway to work, & think, “Drat! My a/c is going to send my electric bill through the roof.” A smart temperature control, which can be used to control your Heating & Air Conditioning system’s temperature control from anywhere, has been on my wishlist for a while.
Whether I’ve forgotten to turn up the temperature control during the sizzling months, or turn down the temperature control during the cold months, I typically seem to self-sabotage my heating & cooling system’s efficiency. If I had a smart temperature control, I could solve my forgetfulness problem, & I could tell the Heating & Air Conditioning device to start heating or cooling before I left work for the afternoon, ensuring that I would come house to a comfortable temperature, and my smart temperature control could also be a good tool used in tandem with my house security system. I sometimes use my in-house cameras to check in on my pet while I’m at work during the afternoon. My pet gets aggravated in the heat, & she’s more likely to scratch up the furniture when she’s on-edge. I sometimes see her doing it on-camera when I’m at my desk & think, “If I had a smart temperature control, I could turn down the boiler in the winter season season or amp up the a/c in the Summer time to save my pet (and my furniture) from the heat.” I’ve already started making my house “smarter” with the security system; my Heating & Air Conditioning system needs to be next on the docket for an injection of tech!